Vanessa – You got shrinking virus and your wife is happy – Media Impact Customs

Story starts with Vanessa on the phone to my doctor. she find out i have the shrinking virus.. she is asking and hears that it is not reversible and I will slowly shrink until I am about 1 inch tall.  she  kind of freestyles here about how life is going to be and she imagines things that will change. she has a bit of a laugh with it.
After the call the scene changes and she walks in to the room and sees me so decides to tell me .You deliver the message to me of how within the next couple days I’m gonna be the size of an ant to you.  When someone catches the shrinking virus they are no longer considered a person and have no rights. You would then go from being my girlfriend right now to my owner in a matter of days.  You start talking about how scary its gonna be for me barely being as tall as your toes and having to be careful of where you are walking at all times because you are now a god to me. 
You start to laugh at the fact that i am just going from being the man of the house to essentially being the pet and tiny ant at your feet.  You mention how you will have to find somewhere for me to live at when i am at my new size. You begin to joke and tell me how I have a couple days to start treating you right because soon you will be able to crush me like a tiny bug. you have to head to work but you tell me that we’ll talk more after.
You get home and I am just below your tits. You’re in a really cleavages outfit with high strappy heels. You walk through the door, see me and just laugh at my new size. You joke about how i cant reach your tits and how much i used to love them. You tease me a bit at my new size and keep telling me how my life is going to change and that you’re going to own me. you say things like how it must be so humiliating knowing that i am only going to get smaller to the point where you will own me. You remind me that i am going to keep shrinking until i am at your toes. You ask if my foot fetish will still be there when your feet are bigger than me. You say that if i am lucky you’ll let me get myself off to them when i am so small. You decide to go to bed after work since you’re tired. You leave me there and this scene ends. I watch you walk away with a view of your ass. 
 The next day I’m shrunk and you walk into the room on the phone to a colleague of yours that Ii have always had an issue with.  You don not even see me down on the floor and you’re telling him how you are gonna need someone to take care of you sexually since your husband is now the family pet and so tiny. You keep mocking my tiny size to him and laughing…  You then realize I am at your feet in your heels that tower over me. When you notice me you’re in shock and start to laugh at me. You tell the guy on the phone that you’ve seen me. You tell me who you are speaking to and you say its the colleague that i was always jealous over cause i knew he had a thing for you. You laugh and say “No I am not going to say that to him” then you laugh on the phone to him and tell him how I am about 3 inches tall. You then laugh at his response. you tell me ” He says to tell you that you should be jealous because his dick is bigger than you” you continue this sort of dialogue about how you wonder what i can even do to you at my new size all while walking around me and teasing me. 
You have a bit of a laugh with him on the phone about how he wants to take you out and how you both want me to be there. And how i can just sit in your bag, shoe or bra and watch him make all of his moves on you with me not being able to stop.
While you’re joking around with him on the phone, you pick me up and tease me putting me in between your tits and smother me with you ass etc. You compare me to your nipples and laugh as i am smaller than them.
You put me back down and you tell him how i am literally at your feet. you tell him how i always liked your feet and you then take off your shoes and threaten to stand on me. 
You then decide to go meet him and you tell me that you’re going to make me in to your tiny cuck pet and make me watch you and him. You laugh and then put me in your top or bag ready to take me with you. The clip ends here.