School Trip Gone Wrong: Step-Mom Develops A Taste For Tinies – SashaCurves

Stepmom gets a troubling call from you during your school science trip to the local research lab. Something’s gone terribly wrong and your teacher is rushing you and your friends home as you speak. You wouldn’t tell her what happened so when she opens the door and can’t see you, stepmom panics. She rings you again  and you tell her to look down… You’ve all been turned into tinies! Stepmom scoops you up and brings you all inside, promising to protect you. But as she’s carrying you to safety, one of your friends falls into the depths of her huge cleavage. In the process of digging him out, something awakens in stepmom. Your friend didn’t survive the accidental crushing and though she tries to fight it, the urge to swallow his tiny lifeless body is overwhelming. As you all begin to flee for your lives, stepmom’s predatory instincts take over…