Actors: The Laughing Latina

  • Morning Snack – Giantess! – The Laughing Latina

    Custom: Jasmine just recently moved into her new place & there’s no food anywhere. She’s rubbing her belly when she suddenly spots something from the corner of her eye. Little does she know it’s you, you’ve come to spy on your old babysitter all she sees is a tiny little snack. Oh hi there, hmmm…

  • The JasZilla Rampage – Giantess – The Laughing Latina

    Custom: Fe Fi Fo Fum JasZilla has climbed down from the beanstalk to go on a rampage in the city.She refers to herself as a giant a lot in the video. JasZilla starts her rampage talking about how giant she is, stepping and eating cars/people.The police shoot rockets at her, but it creates smoke around…