Ashlynn Taylor – “Tiny Panty Talk” Taboo Giantess & Vore – HD 1080p – TMFetish
Biting lip as you describe looking down to see your step-bro’s, terrified, trapped, screaming friends, trapped in panties as the scramble (pointlessly) to escape and save themselves from the utter terror of your soaking pussy, smothering them in cum… or the horror for your giant hand coming into your panties as they’ve seen before… and stuff their screaming friends into your pussy hole and watch on helplessly as your pussy swallows their friends Your panties is nothing but horror for helpless tiny little people against a selfish teen 18+ brat who will thoughtlessly trade their lives for your pussy to cum. Your step-bro is so upset knowing whats happening to his poor friends in your panties. Time for everyone to get swallowed into your pussy and perish to make you cum Hand looms in – blackout Figure (step-bro) is propped up on table or something so your face is close, peering at him Poor little step-bro, you found him and his friends shrunk a week ago. But instead of saving them and taking to the fam, you’ve been keeping them as your own living toys in secret from anyone else whose big. No-one is coming to save/rescue him from big step-sis Sensual, gasp, bite lip, swear as you confess all his remaining friends are now – INSIDE you Focusing on your face reacting as you confess to step-bro his friends are crawling, squirming and smothering inside you. How his step-sis’s pussy is drenching! her cotton panties – as people scream and beg to be let out, only making your pussy wetter Intensely looking at, talking to step-bro as you sensually moan, bite lip confessing your going to cum feeling the people squirm and smother inside – until you finally orgasm. Then describe everyone inside dying, being pulverised and there’s nothing left of his friends anymore other than guts, brains, goo dribbling and oozing out of your satisfied pussy Picking him up, eye level, dangling over mouth/tongue etc as you give him a tour. You’ve been so naughty. So many people are ended. You need to make him disappear. He’s Just the right size to be food…. Living, screaming, food that begs for its life as it slips over the edge of your wet, pink tongue and down your throat, in one wet gulp. Swallowed alive inside of his step-sis. Confessing the Intensity of feeling/hearing his terror, as he desperately trying to cling onto edge, as he loses grip and the last thing your own step-bro will ever see before he loses his life… is his own step-sis’s tonsils as he slips inside you to perish. Masturbating as you talk about it. This is even more intense than all those poor people dying in your pussy. Ma will never know about him or all the people you ended. Your going to cum feeling him slip inside you The next time you’ll see him, is when you push out his lifeless body into the toilet Fuck, I cant wait to feel you scream inside me Get inside me and make me fucking cum step-bro Lower in Open mouth moans. Swallow)empty Stroking belly as you feel him melt and perish inside