(This was a custom clip based on the following info)
Duration: 10 minutes
Model: Alice
Clothing: black transparent pantyhose with no reinforced toes and no shoes, loose hairstyle or other as long as its not with a ponytail, casual attire with legs visible and arms visible, makeup not much.
Props: dark blue glitter for police, white and black for protesters, little bit of green for army. The blue is in the outer perimeter + some blue dots inside the white and black glitter. The white and black are placed one on one side, the other on the other side. Green glitter just sprinkle it in one of the sides of the outer perimeter, not much, just a little. Overall the entire thing should be small enough to be wiped out entirely with two steps, so don’t make it too big. It has to be visible in its entirety through the camera positioned as shown in the image below. Avoid cluttering the glitter, there might be places with more density and others with less density to simulate real life dynamics of groups of people.
Size of the entire thing:
Alice has been testing her shrink ray on single entities including people to dispose of them. She’s looking to test the shrink ray on larger entities. She sees on her cellphone that a big protest is going on in Japan pitting two westerner based protest groups and the local police plus some armymen sent to help the police.
The public is aware of disappearances happening due to Alice’s shrink ray but nobody knows the culprit.
Video starts with Alice approaching the riot now shrunken down in front of the camera.
She announces what happened saying she saw this riot going on in the news in Japan and was wanting to shrink a large group of people. Then she disposes of one, two or all three sides (there are three sides: first riot group, second riot group, police/army). Disposing is done by crushing with feet, eating, crush with finger. She can blow some away and flick them. Due to her size compared to the shrunken down people, blowing them away or flicking them would severely hurt them or destroy them. Each fragment of glitter is a person, must be aware of that during her interactions. No need for accidental crushes to occur.
At the end if any side or multiple sides have survived she can bring them back to normal size (using a cellphone or tv controller). In any case, even if no sides have survived, she checks the news to see how many were injured or gone for each side.
– She refers at the beginning to the riot or protesting groups then to the police and army specifying nationality or general location they come from, then during the vid she can freely use any remark to refer to them.
– if she targets cops and army they would either shoot at her but she won’t feel anything given her size or they would try running from her.
If she targets protesters they would try escaping from under her finger or foot.