It’s not unusual for tiny people to seek out the services offered by a giantess, and Lauren Ashlyn is no stranger to accommodating them…for a price. On this particular evening, we catch a glimpse into one of Lauren’s sessions, offering the most basic of packages to a tiny bachelor party: a walk-over, a ride down her leg, and the opportunity to explore her clothes.
Disappointed and expecting more, the tiny bachelor party breaks the rules and ventures out of their car, recording the interaction in the process. When the session is over, Lauren puts the car back outside, unaware of the guests still in her room.
Feeling ripped off, one member of the party uses the emergency services to text the giantess, demanding a refund and insulting her. Having broken their contract, Lauren steps on them without hesitation, getting ready for her next session.
Contains: Booms/Shakes, Aware, POV, Voyeur, Brief Crush, No Dialogue, Booming Background Music