Pastel Goddess – POV Evil Giantess Stomps You Out – Pastel Goddess

-Custom Clip-
I’m an evil giantess who stomps into the room and finds a tiny little man, naked with an erection in my home. I don’t like vermin sneaking into places where they don’t belong, so I hurl insults at you, call you a piece of sht, and stomp on you until I’ve broken your arms.
I pick you up for a closer look. You’re so disgusting and filthy. I laugh and drop you. You fall to the ground, helpless and ragdolled. I stomp on you more. I’m genuinely repulsed by you. I consider how I should put an end to your miserable existence. Maybe I’ll eat you? I pick you up again but upon closer inspection, you don’t look very appetizing. You’re very ugly. You even came all over yourself. Gross!
I drop you again and decide I’ll squish you with my ass, so I proceed to do just that. Any last words, vermin?
NOTE: This clip contains special stomping sounds and screen shake effects to create a better sense of being a tiny man stomped by a real giantess.