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This bitch Stacy was really mean to me at a party, so I shrunk her down to 1 inch tall and took her home with me. I punish her by making her do all sorts of things with my body against her will. As soon as I take her out of my bra, I set her down and blast a few farts on her. Then I take my dress off and sit down. I grab tiny helpless Stacy and make her suck on my nipples. The tip of my nipple is the size of her stupid head. I smash her under the weight of my boobs next.
After that, she is made to massage and lick my clit and pussy until I cum. She fits snugly inside, entirely consumed by my lips. I make her spread them open and suck on my clit before rubbing her whole body against it holding her by the legs. She wants to be set free but has no choice.
I have a satisfying orgasm then decide to continue punishing Stacy with wet and rank gas I’ve been building up. With some assistance, she spreads my massive cheeks open and I make her kiss and eat my asshole while I blast fasts in her face. She is completely winded with each one but must continue to worship. I tell her that my ass is her new reason to life. I fart over and over until she falls onto the seat, where she gazes upon the mountain of ass in front of her. There is no escape from my unending barrage of toxic air and she must live the rest of her years in servitude of my asshole. At the end, I stuff her away in between my cheeks and walk out.