Our latest ‘Mini’ SFX stars the legendary Milayla Miles!
Run time 13 mins
Rated M – Language
Mikayla has always enjoyed collecting tinies and keeping them as her tiny pets. Having them on hand to do her every whim around the house or meet their end at her sole. Today however the tinies have gotten up the courage to attempt an escape after using a small piece of string to climb out of their box.
Mikayla arrives home to find her box of tinies empty. Immediately she is enraged as she had told them that any escape attempts will be met with lethal he slowly stalks around the room, her massive booming footsteps shaking which each one. As the tinies try in vain to escape her, only finding the bottom of her huge size 16s.
Starring: Mikayla Miles
Clip Features: Special FX, Sound FX, Music, Booming footsteps, Foot crush, POV feet.