Shrunken Mans Big Fantasy – Mistress Mercy Rage (HD1080p) – Filth Fetish Studios

(Custom Request)
Mistress Mercy Rage has a little tiny fan in and he only wants ONE THING… To be CRUSHED and SMOTHERED under her BIG FAT BUTT! Mistress Mercy Rage lets him know how NERVOUS SHE IS to sit on him with her full weight, Her butt is BIGGER than his entire body! She feels like if she sits down too hard, she might COMPLETELY CRUSH HIM. The guy BEGS her to please make his wish come true so he agrees, but she tells him, she is going to sit GENTLY and not with her full weight! she gives him ONE CHANCE to back out before she sits down and SMOTHERS HIM with her BIG SWEATY BUM! After a minute she gets up and checks on him only to find that he is COMPLETELY FINE!
Mistress mercy Rage gets a bit more comfortable as she sits down AGAIN but this time with MORE WEIGHT! The little fan begins to realize he bit off more then he could chew as she BOUNCES and CRUSHES HIM with her BIG ASS! When she gets up the little guy begins BEGGINGS HER TO STOP but she tells him she just started to have fun, plus he ALREADY PAID! He tries to tell her not to sit again but Mistress Mercy Rage stands up and SLAMS HER ASS DOWN! You can see the little guy struggling as his body cracks and bends under her weight, but she doesn’t stop! She turns his body sideways and sits FULLWEIGHT, leaning BACK AND FORTH putting pressure on his chest and then legs! She even smothers his tiny face right in her SWEATY ASS CRACK!
The video ends with the little man too broken and tired to even move! He lays there, begging Mistress Mercy Rage to stop, but she lets him know, he is SO SMALL, she can do WHATEVER SHE WANTS, and what she wants to do is use him as a video prop! So many guys would love to see her GIANT BUM crushing a LIVING TINY MAN DAILY! So that is what she is gonna do, and there is NOTHING the little man can do to stop her!