Shrunken Step-Bro at My Mercy – Kat Danz
As soon as I realize my step-brother has accidentally shrunken himself with my shrink ray, I take this perfect opportunity to turn him into my humiliated, degraded tiny toy. You’re helpless as I punish your pathetic little body, licking you, smooshing you under my feet, trapping you in my dirty panties. There’s practically no end to the demeaning endurance tests. I shove you in my pussy head first, strap you to my dildo, and give you a deep dive into my tight asshole, all while you struggle to free yourself. But you’re just a tiny little mouse now, there’s nothing you can do to get away from me! And there’s still a whole week before step-mom and step-dad get back. I wanna do something special…. I want to keep you in my tummy! We’ll be closer than we’ve ever been before, step-bro.