Sneaking into the Giantess Lair – Goddess Aria Zahara

In the future, women discovered how to shrink men to put them in their rightful position finally- small, vulnerable, and at the complete mercy of gigantic women who tower over them like skyscrapers. This world has been built to accommodate them, as it always should have been. Despite your extremely fragile, ant-sized state, your fascination for these divine creatures has never waned. You trudge hundreds of miles for a glimpse to see one. Sometimes you’re lucky and go undetected, this time… not so much. An unaware giantess becomes aware of your pitiful, tiny self. At first she’s surprised, then amused. She realizes the total and utter control she has over you, and uses you for her own entertainment. She compares different body parts to you, all the while ruminating on how easy it would be to your bones and destroy you. Eventually she realizes you have nothing more for her, and ends your existence with a swift but lethal booty slam, easier than swatting a fly.