Tag: Feederism
Vore: Your Final Service BBW Giantess POV Feedism RolePlay Upclose Mouth Play Mouth Fetish Goddess Alara Glutton – BBW GoddessGlutton
You have served me so well, tiny! I have taken such pleasure in keeping you, my treasured prey, while you worked day and night to please me. All of the games we would play – enveloping you in my belly blubber, bouncing you about on my tongue, dropping the weight of my massive ass down…
Unnoticed on Giantess Throne BBW Goddess Glutton Feedism Feederism Gentle Giantess Feedee Weight Gain Goddess Alara Glutton – BBW GoddessGlutton
Where did that trickster little tiny go?! I could have sworn they were just here… But oh well, I might as well get comfortable… Now, what is wrong with my throne! It was built for my gaining weight, but now it feels like something is stuck in my seat. I will just have to drop…
Custom! Giantess Vore City Destruction Eating Houses and Cars Gaining Weight Vore Feedism with Fat Belly Play Goddess Alara Glutton – BBW GoddessGlutton
What happens when a voracious Giantess wants to make her big belly, tits, and ass grow even bigger? Goddess Alara begins by mocking and chasing citizens, before ripping their homes apart and eating those too. But nothing is enough to satisfy her massive appetite, not even cars and buildings! (Homes are made of edible paper…