Tag: Hand Held

  • Darenzias City – Media Impact Customs

    This was a custom we did many years ago. We had just moved into our old studio so our normal Gientess was not set up yet. The client wanted Darenxzia in Latex and a bridge. Everything is is the same as our other non FX Giantess clips. Darenzia is in a bigger city this time…

  • Bewitching Blondes – Media Impact Customs

    A remake of Bewitching Brunettes with Zoey and Lydia? Just like the original have them do a growth contest then wind up the same size and want to get bigger so they combine powers and get bigger and after having some fun they grow even more at the end.

  • Sahrye Boss Of The World – Media Impact Customs

    This was a custom that involved making a bunch of Paper cars so they can be crushed flat. About 35 vehicles are crushed. Also, it involved very specific ways to crush people, buildings and cars, trains buses, etc. Also, we get a MEGA scene with both deliberate and accidental crushes. Lots of booms shakes SFX…

  • Sweet Revenge – SFX Epic (SW!) – Giantess Shrinking Feet

    RAVEN RAE, CYDELSPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR A LIMITED TIMESexy raven rae found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her with a beautiful lady (cydel). planning her sweet revenge in details, Raven tricked cydel into drinking her shrinking elixir, rendering her at the mere size of 4 inches, and at the mercy of an angry, pissed…