Tag: Tiny Men

  • Giantess Farting onto tiny You – Diane Chrystall

    * Diane makes the best custom videos! Message her now! Her email address is on her store page!  Diane is a huge giantess with a big round ass. You are tiny compared to her. She picks you up and decides your fate. Your home will be her stinky ass forever. Prepare your nostrils now! She…

  • Some guys never get the hint (POV) – Mistress Enola Fetish

    Some guys never get the hint. A fellow classmate won’t leave me alone. I warned him. Many times, but he won’t get the message. So I tried out this new device I bought. I didn’t even think it would work, but it does. This guy who has been bothering me is now shrinking before my…


    I am back home from work. On my way to other room I intentionally stomp on some groups of people. Now in the sofa, I place the little people I had in my cleavage in front of me. Those are coworkers from my lab and my stupid boss. I show them the shrink ray and…

  • Giantess Tries to Save Her Tiny Boss – Adria Nite

    Yesterday a giantess inserted her tiny manager into her nose because it was his fetish and he asked her to do it. They got carried away and he got stuck. She can’t even feel him there. Today she’s back at work and panicking; he’s not out yet. Her tiny coworkers notice she is on the…

  • GIANTESS WORLD DOMINATION feat AstroDomina (HD MP4) – AstroDomina

    HD 1920 x 1080p — A remake of a classic. This was one of the top selling videos on C4S a year ago! After crushing the house of her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, Giantess Sydney is roaming the city streets of her little town together with Justin. On a power hype, Giantess Sydney wanted to get more…

  • Victims of a Mean Enchantress SFX (1080p) – Giantess Loryelle

    Far from big cities, deep in the woods on a lonely rock rises an ancient stone tower in the air, inhabited by an evil witch. She loves to shrink humans to tiny size and enslave them. The tiny men become her tiny toys for her personal entertainment and enjoyment, but the evil witch doesn’t care…